Great Migration Safari Packages

Great Migration Safari Packages are specially designed travel plans that offer the opportunity to witness one of the most spectacular wildlife events on the planet - the Great Migration. This annual phenomenon sees millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles traverse the vast plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara in Kenya in search of fresh pastures. These safari packages are meticulously planned to provide optimal viewing opportunities of this awe-inspiring spectacle, offering an unforgettable wildlife experience that is both thrilling and deeply moving.

Great Migration Safari Packages

Exploring Great Migration Safari Packages

Calving Season Migration Safari Packages (January - March)

During the calving season, hundreds of thousands of wildebeest give birth over a span of a few weeks in the southern part of the Serengeti. This influx of new life attracts a host of predators, leading to dramatic predator-prey interactions. A calving season migration package would typically include game drives focused on these areas, providing ample opportunities to witness these dramatic events. Additionally, the lush, green landscapes and plentiful birdlife during this time add to the overall safari experience.

Green Season Migration Safari Packages (March - May)

The Green Season, usually from March to May, is when the Serengeti transforms into a lush, green paradise. This is a fantastic time to witness the Great Migration, as the herds move through the verdant plains, providing stunning photographic opportunities. A Green Season migration safari package would typically include game drives and nature walks, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the vibrant landscapes and abundant wildlife of the season.

Western Corridor Migration Safari Packages (May - July)

The Western Corridor, usually active between May and July, is a significant phase of the Great Migration. During this time, the herds move west towards the Grumeti River. This area is known for its high concentration of crocodiles, making the river crossing a thrilling spectacle. A Western Corridor migration package would focus on these events, with game drives timed to coincide with the herds' movements towards the river. This period also coincides with the rut, where males compete for mating rights, adding another layer of drama to the migration. It's a time of high action and unforgettable wildlife viewing opportunities.

Mara River Crossing Migration Safari Packages (July - October)

The Mara River crossings, which usually occur between July and October, are another highlight of the Great Migration. During this time, the herds must brave the treacherous currents of the Mara River in their relentless pursuit of fresh grazing. These river crossings are fraught with danger, from strong currents to lurking crocodiles, making for some of the most dramatic and heart-stopping wildlife viewing opportunities. A Mara River crossing migration package would focus on these events, with game drives timed to coincide with the herds' movements towards the river.

Return to the South Migration Packages (November - December)

With the beginning of the short rains in late October, the migration makes its way back into the Serengeti. By December, the herds trek past Seronera to return to their calving grounds again, and the circle is complete. A Return to the South package would focus on this period, offering the chance to see the herds as they traverse the plains and prepare for the next calving season.

Each of these great migration safari packages offers unique experiences and opportunities to witness the different stages of the Great Migration. They can be tailored to your preferences, ensuring a memorable safari adventure.

A lion spotted at rest during a 4-day Serengeti safari tour

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